Nice to have some mothers commenting. Teaching children to think is a must " Rebelfighter". And I also think, the main reason kids can get beaten down by difficulties is that the mountains they feel they can't climb, can be little hills to overcome when a parent shows empathy and love to the child's viewpoint.
For example Orlando asked me to watch him play in the school football final, it was at lunch time and only 10 minutes each half. My first thought was I am very busy with more important commitments and besides parents are not expected to attend anyway. But I turned up as I new this was something of great importance to Orlando. When he saw me I realized how very important this was for him. I guess it was important because we play football together most days, and this was his first "cup" final.
If any bodies interested the team lost, but I didn't embarrass Orlando by calling the referee out for his crappy decisions.